“Work out your own salvation with fear and trembling” (Phil.2:12)
God gives us our salvation in and through Christ Jesus, our Lord, and Savior. Once we’ve received it, our responsibility is to develop it to maturity through yielded and obedient submission to the Holy Ghost.
Salvation is simple
Sanctification isn’t
Salvation takes a moment
Sanctification takes a lifetime
Salvation requires yielding to the Holy Ghost once
Sanctification requires yielding again, and again, and again…
Salvation is a giving up of our lives
Sanctification is a giving up of our rights
Salvation cost us nothing (Christ Jesus paid for it with His life)
Sanctification cost us a great deal (we pay for it with our life)
Salvation saves individuals
Sanctification purifies & perfects those who have been redeemed
Salvation unlocks the doorway into God’s kingdom
Sanctification carries us further (and deeper) into God’s kingdom
"To go through the door is not necessarily to live in the house."
(From: Knowing Christ Today / By: Dallas Willard)