(Part #1)
“Blowing toward the south, then turning toward the north,
the wind continues swirling along; and on it’s circular courses
the wind returns.” (Ecc.1:6)
I’m continuing with thoughts from my previous blog focused on hearing things related to God’s kingdom which come at us from outside of our normal, everyday lives. I want to share a story with you. It concerns an event that deeply impacted my life, my perceptions about living, and my future/destiny. In fact the term “life-changing” is appropriate for what I have to share.
The story begins in late September of 2004 standing in the middle of no where in Kenya, Africa. I was returning with a short term mission team from a region located in the very shadow of Mt. Kilimanjaro. We had spent 10 days or so building two church structures for the Maasai tribes people who had converted to Christianity. After finishing and dedicating (consecrating) both buildings we started our journey out of the “bush” toward a paved highway that would take us back to Nairobi. Driving along roads that really weren’t roads at all one of our Land Rovers broke down. Fortunately our team guide had the no how and the tools needed to make the necessary repairs. However, doing so was going to take a while. So, we all piled out of our vehicles and purposed to make the most of our time until things got sorted out.
{Waiting patiently for circumstances to change is a major part of the African lifestyle. It’s in the DNA of those on the continent. If you go there you will find that out for yourself}
Here’s what happened:
During our time together as a team we had learned that we weren’t to walk too far away from the others when we were out in the “bush”. Things can get dangerous in such an environment. So staying within eyesight of each other is pretty important. Our team leader had released us to roam the area near the vehicles instructing us to stay close. We began to amble around in groups of two’s and three’s. A few of us went off on our own a brief distance away. I had walked away by myself to take care of natures call behind a couple of scrub trees when something very unusual began to occur as I turned to head back facing into the breeze that was rising up out of the valley which opened up just below us.
As I turned I began to hear what sounded like music. More specifically it sounded like singing. To be exact it sounded like children singing. And to fine tune that even further, I heard children singing what seemed to me like worship. The “sound” was very brief – 2 or 3 seconds at the most. But I know worship when I hear it. It’s a “deep calls to deep” thing (Ps.42:7).
What I heard stunned me. How could this be happening? We were in “the middle of no where” so how could there be singing? Where would it come from? And, how could it be kids voices?
As I continued to turn my face directly toward the wind the sound disappeared. As soon as it was there, it was gone. I stopped in my tracks and began to try and figure out what was taking place. I turned my head ever so slightly too re-center myself and when I did the wind shifted and blew more directly into my ear again instead of straight into my face. When that happened the sound returned. This time it was as clear as a bell, but not very loud. Got the picture? So, now I’m getting excited because my brain (and my senses) are starting to catch up with my spirit. I turned my face directly back into the wind and the sound disappeared again. Now I was on to something that was beyond my immediate comprehension. As I turned my head away from the wind blowing at me directly the air current blew into my ear again instead of into my face. Then what was happening hit me light a bolt of lightening. What I was hearing was on the wind – or in the wind. The sound was coming from somewhere as yet to be determined and it was being carried on/by the wind itself. In fact it couldn’t be detected unless my ear was turned exactly the right way in order to catch the sound as it blew in my direction. In other words -- without being positioned properly I couldn’t hear the singing at all. Saint’s, that’ll preach!
I glanced back up the ridge to see if any of the others from the team knew what I was experiencing. Not a clue --- they had heard nothing. They weren’t positioned (tuned in) to it at all. I WAS HAVING A DIVINE APPOINTMENT AND PEOPLE WITHIN EARSHOT OF ME HAD NO IDEA! Selah…pause & consider.
Once I realized what kind of “moment” I was in I locked into the sound like a laser-tracking-beam. I begin to move toward it. But, every time I turned directly into the wind I lost the singing. I could only stay on track by turning my head every so slightly every few steps. That way the wind carried the sound into my ear and I could adjust my path of pursuit accordingly. My heart was pounding and my soul was caught up in the dynamics of what was taking place. I had to know where the singing was coming from and who was creating it. So up toward the top of the ridge I ran yelling like a crazy man for the others to join me. But the angle I was moving in was taking me away from those on the team and the wind was carrying the sound of my voice (along with the sound of the singing) away from my comrades.
The only person near enough to really hear me was a sister from our worship choir back in our home church. As I motioned for her to meet me at the top of the ridge she began to head in that direction. She had no idea what was waiting up at the crest --- and neither did I.
To be continued...
(Part #2)
“Blowing toward the south, then turning toward the north,
the wind continues swirling along; and on it’s circular courses
the wind returns.” (Ecc.1:6)
Continued from my last posting...
As Patti and I topped the rise of the ridge we saw the valley opening up below us and beyond us toward a small mountain range in the distance. The valley wasn’t very deep but it was fairly wide and long. On the edge nearest us as we looked down we could see a dry river bed which continued out and away from where we stood. At the base of the ridge just below us we saw something besides land and space. There was what appeared to be a sort of fort made from slender tree trunks which had been stripped clean of their bark. The fort was constructed in a rectangular shape and open to the sky. It had just four walls of wood with no ceiling. As we stood there trying to figure out what it was suddenly everything locked into place in one profoundly amazing moment. The wind off the valley floor picked up and began to rise up the side of the ridge toward where we were positioned looking downward. And, what it carried up to us was now hitting us square in our faces. It was the sound of children singing at the top of their voices. It was such a precious and passionate sound. Such beauty and wonder in such a dry and barren place. This “no place” had become a high and holy place “in the middle of no where”. I turned toward Patti who up until that moment had no idea of why I had called her to join me there. She hadn’t heard a sound till it rose up on the wind and overwhelmed her. I looked at her with tears in my eyes (matched by her own) and I said, “Patti, it’s a school and the kids are singing praise songs”! There under the open and expansive African sky the Holy Ghost fell big time and my sister and I were overcome by the sound, tears, smiles and joy of it all.
In the very next instant one side of the “fort” opened up were a doorway was positioned and all the kids ran out of their classroom, made a turn away from us and moved out beyond and down into the dry riverbed laughing, jumping and having a grand time of it. I looked at Patti thru more tears and I said, “it’s recess”. We both began to laugh out loud as we thanked God for His precious gift to us. As we stood there talking it all in the Holy Ghost spoke to me with a word of revelation. He said, “no place, is some place, to somebody”. At that moment my global perspective exploded. My view of humanity, the nations, and God’s ever-expanding kingdom took on entirely new dimensions. My understanding of His Omnipresence had been blown totally off the charts. I was awestruck!
There’s much more to this story than I’ve presented here. It continues to impact my life and ministry almost daily. But it’s my understanding that blogs work best if they remain brief. So, I’ll end with this:
God’s “otherness” is a very real thing to encounter. The eternal dynamics of His kingdom --- the ebb & flow ---- are constantly at work. We are “compassed about” (Ps.32:7 / KJV) by the sights & sounds of His Divine Presence in truly supernatural ways.
Allow the Spirit of the Lord to open up your senses, your soul and your very being to the glory and wonder of it all.
And may His kingdom come (manifest) on earth as it is in heaven.
Let me mention one last thing to those of you who lead congregations in corporate worship on a regular basis. Please be encouraged by this FACT! Worship, heart-felt, soul-engaged, pure, honest and undefiled worship is being released all over this earth every moment of every day (24/7/365). God has purpose and ordained it to be that way (Ps.150:6 / Luke 19:40). But, the thing is, we’re not always standing in the right spot, at the right moment, with our heads turned just the right way to be able to hear it. Nonetheless, it is there. I can personally testify to the fact that there is worship on the wind coming from people in places that you’d never imagine.
Copyright Secured: See & Say (Songs & Such), BMI
“All of heavens waiting
All the earth expecting
Sons, daughters, arise
Singing songs of freedom
Words of healing
One voice, wind blown worship”
(From: Hallelujah / By: Denise Graves)