Scripture reveals to us that Jesus is the “author and finisher” of our faith (Heb.12:2). I take that to mean that the embodiment of a life of faithful service to God is exemplified through Christ’s obedience to His Fathers Sovereign will. Quite literally, our Lord modeled what it means to be a “living sacrifice” by going to the Cross as the act of redemption for all of humankind. Having had the power (and the right) to call down all the forces of heaven on His behalf (Matt.26:53) in order to side-step Golgotha, He instead chose to yield Himself up in submission to the orders He’d received from headquarters.
His yielding (Phil.2:7&8) came at the zenith of the most terrifying moment of the most horrific battle that’s ever taken place on earth. The warfare that raged there on “skull hill” that dark day was like no other confrontation that had ever taken place.
All the vile forces of hell where directly arrayed against the very throne of God in heaven. But at that juncture when divine force, supernatural power, Sovereign authority, and Holy-self-determination would have seemed the only fitting way to engage in battle an entirely unexpected strategy was implement. Rather than confront the enemy with a display of Divinity, Jesus humbled Himself on the cross (Heb.2:9&10, 14) and gave Himself as an act of worship. His body raised up bruised, beaten and bloody became the glorious standard lifted up to draw all men to Him (Jn.12:32). No weapon was used, except His own body. No fisted hand was raised in anger. Instead, His empty and opened hands were extended in complete *consecration and nailed to a cross beam. From that position He could render no blows against His adversary. The only wounds inflicted that day were the ones He took upon Himself (Isa.53:5). The resistance toward satan that the Lord showed us was manifested through His act of surrender to the Father. In the middle of the warfare, worship alone became Christs weapon of choice. Jesus trusted that His Commander-In-Chief would provide both vindication and victory as He saw fit. The resurrection accomplished both.
*CONSECRATION is the setting aside of any person, place, or thing for acts of holy service. It also can mean to come with an open hand (as opposed to a closed or fisted one).
In those despairingly desperate moments on Calvary our Savior showed each of us how the life of a warrior and a worshiper could be linked together in a way most profound. There is no better way of explaining that every act of worship is an act of war than to let Scripture speak for itself:
“He stripped all the spiritual tyrants in the universe
of their sham authority at the Cross and marched
them naked through the streets.”
(Col.2:15 / MSG)
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
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